Miss Blaine's Prefect & the Weird Sisters by Olga Wojtas (Saraband, 2020)
I haven’t read this one yet, but am eagerly awaiting it and am sure it will be as hilarious and witty as her first two: Miss Blaine’s Prefect and the Golden Samovar (ISBN: 9781912235001, paperback, Saraband, 2018) and Miss Blaine’s Prefect and the Vampire Menace (ISBN: 9780912235506, paperback, Saraband, 2020). In this outing, our stalwart, time-travelling librarian, Shona (proud former pupil of the Marcia Blaine School for Girl), is sent off on her third mission, involving Macbeth, the Weird Sisters and a black cat. What can possibly go wrong? (ISBN: 9781913393380, paperback.)